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Saturday, September 10, 2011


It was 10 years ago today the United States was maliciously and deliberately attacked by terrorists. Like so many others across the great nation, we remember where we were at the time of the attack and how the day (s) unfolded in disbelief and horror.

Here is my story, I was in a beauty shop in Sharonville, Ohio getting my hair done. While reading a magazine my hairdresser overheard someone say the Twin Towers in NYC had been attacked. She said this is such a low voice I hardly realized what she said. Then another beautician came over and said, "It's true, and they are showing it live on TV." Another customer sitting in the chair next to me made the remark, "Ah, who cares it won't affect us." I stopped my beautician from what she was doing and went over facing the woman that made the remark and said, "New York City or not...this will affect every human being in the United States and how can you think it won't!!!" I was firm and straight forward. (It did affect everyone.) Then the TV showed the plane heading into the tower. My knees were weak and a tingling numbness came over my body in distress and disbelief. I was in a state of shock. The hair dresser finished with my hair and I took off for home. Yet to my knowledge, the plane that went down in PA and the Pentagon. I sat glued to TV screen as our children called us in horror and shock. Tears were shared on both sides of the phone. Why were we so distraught?

We lived in Peekskill, NY which is 35 miles from White Plains for 12 years. We were familiar with New York City, and we had come to love and appreciate the city with Broadway, fine dining, the Twin Towers, the Empire Building, the Bronx Zoo, TV commerical, and more. Family members would come to town and we would take them on a tour of the city. Numerous times we went up to the Twin Towers and the view over Manhattan from atop was incredible. The sight of all the skyscrapers, the Hudson River, and all of New York City. There was nothing like it!!! We came down the elevator and at the bottom we sat outside those strong steel concrete walls amazed at the structure and beauty of these towers. Nonetheless, we sat on the sidewalk leaning upon this massive structure having lunch one day. Therefore, it made it quite difficult to imagine the gigantic structure come tumbling down like wooden blocks a kid plays with. The massive amount of people inside those towers completely trapped. The rescue workers, fire personnel, and police personnel working frantically to help anyone and everyone. My heart ached to think of the hundreds of children left without a parent. Wives and husbands without their loved ones.

I came to realize that the American people stand stronger and higher than any building. We are a nation united to protect its freedom. As war was declared, my hearts went out to all our soldiers and civilians that have given up their lives to protect our freedom. We shall and we did overcome! The terrorists didn't know what they were in for when they attached us. Many have died, but we also know there are many more of them out there. Freedom does ring inside all of us. God bless the U.S.A.!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

How would a person with a hearing loss deal with Terrorist Attack, Amber Alert, or Natural Disaster?

Let me hear from you about what is or is not in place in the event of an emergency.

Scary huh?